miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

Mapocho pedaleable: restore the river to the people of Santiago

Santiago is one of the cities with the highest air pollution in South America. If we look at the Rio Mapocho, not surprising that it is also in visual terms. It is almost impossible to imagine the Mapocho River as a free and inclusive space. Moreover if you think about it for sports. That is precisely what we propose two architects: give a new face to one of the darkest places of the city and, in passing, build the longest bike path in this city.

Paolo Villagrán Lara

A sunny winter afternoon in 2009, Thomas and Osvaldo Larraín Echiburú strolled along the waterfront and watched the Mapocho River. At that time the two architects were to mind was an idea that can change forever the face of one of the more traditional icons of Santiago: do Mapocho River open space for cyclists, runners, skaters and anyone like walking, or playing sports, the proposed corridor.

By then, the two began their titling processes at the Catholic University (PUC) and the concern that they came that afternoon three years ago, it fitted perfectly with what they needed them and the city.

"The parks (the side of the river) are interconnected super bad, because it always prioritizes passing cars. Moreover, no park openly linked with the river and the possibility of lowering is almost nonexistent and, finally, the bed of the river is an underutilized corridor that would connect many parks and many communes, under bridges, delivering type of mobility infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists in Santiago there",explains Echiburú.

The idea of the architects was adding a little strength between Santiago cycling world and getting followers. In addition to becoming one of the central points of both theses (both passed with flying colors), the project began to walk by himself.


In practical terms the idea is: create a corridor into the bed of the river, more than nine miles long about who has the necessary infrastructure for pedestrians and athletes traveling together without having to be alert to traffic lights or crossings with motorized transport of any kind.

This entry plazas would be added, which would be located within the parks surrounding the river, by which athletes and pedestrian corridor enter & leave easily.

But what would happen in the winter with the rains? Simple. The corridor would be flooded virtuality to the flooding of the river and once it returns to its usual level, would do quite usable.

"The infrastructure is promoting basic and allows a flood last time-no more than five in a year, the ride can get back to doing regularly used," Larrain said.

Spice one of the darkest places of the city

Now, the question is ¿how one recovers the most 'dark' the whole city?

No lie that for years the Mapocho River has been an icon of which Santiago, and Chileans in general, have more ashamed than proud. For decades the stream has been synonymous with crime, poor health and pestilence.

Just to change this is to what point Echiburú and Larrain.

"What of the bike path is almost an excuse. In principle, we were interested in, and remains so, the box was to revitalize the river as a public space. It seemed a waste to have that place detached from the city when it has enough unique conditions of sunlight and views, among other", comment.

In short, what they want is that people do not take away from the river view is reencanten with him and that his attractive, inviting and feel the need to go down to him.

"That we needed a program, an excuse, give this space a new feature that would attract people, because in today's population is reluctant to approach the river. So what appeared as obvious was to use the space as a runner. We have channeled almost 7 km without interruption at ground level, which would make it much more expeditious and travel insurance", says Thomas.

¿How far is the Mapocho be pedaleable?

For Patrick Herman, president of the foundation 'Defend the city', the idea of the Mapocho Pedaleable is a unique opportunity that has citizenship.

"Imagine a place recover lost and also to add that functionality to be a runner crosses, and also connect seven communes. It's a terrific idea and a great opportunity for all who live in this city, "he says.

Moreover, and in addition to recovering a space which has no citizenship today, the initiative would make a tremendous driver of the bicycle as transportation within the city.

According to the latest figures estudiode bicycle flow, by Urbanism and Territory SA Live in the City and bikeways of Simon Bolivar (Ñuñoa) and Antonio Varas (Providence), the annual flow of bicycles in the urban area increased by 18% in the period 2005 to 2012. For example, in the bike lane of Antonio Varas 180 bicycles were reported in south-north direction during peak hours, while the figures in previous measurements barely reached the 150, or even less.

Precisely for this reason one of the spokesmen of the organization 'Happyciclistas, Pablo Arriaga says that approved an initiative like the Mapocho Pedaleable benefits for those in daily bicycle as their primary mode of transport would be plenty. "Imagine what it would save time in moving a person that makes a bike from the area of ​​Trustees to golf. It would be a tremendous benefit".

Similar believes Boris Barnet, Providence cyclist who regularly bike moves parks bordering the Mapocho. "Last time I participated in Forest Park Bicycle ride we ended up going down to the river to support the initiative of Thomas and Osvaldo, was a great experience. I think they really add much to the city", he says.

The truth is that after a year of the project began to have more coverage from the media (with notes in La Tercera and 24 Horas, for example) is being held today.

Lack of funding makes it impossible Larraín Echiburu and continue trying to bring the idea to something concrete. "The project is still on, but no funding, which makes it a bit slow. Anyway, have created some interesting partnerships with the Center for Public Policy at UC, for example, that have allowed some preliminary lift "feature.

However, the wall should be heavier than collapse, Thomas account is another. "Technically speaking, it's pretty simple to do the project. It can. Just evaluate the approaches and the dividing wall to view the most convenient way. Now, in political terms it is much slower. "And ends: "The project was presented in MINVU, MOP and Ministry of Transport. There is interest in advance, but no specific funds or more meetings with authorities. "

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