martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Act residential generation in Chile

For a decade the energy issue became relevant to our country. The dependence on fossil fuels each year becomes more expensive and less profitable. In addition, the environmental impact is evident worldwide: melting poles, climate changes, gaps in the ozone layer, among others. This pattern has been the importance of implementing public policies that promote the use of clean energy and requiring greater participation of citizens.
Valentina Collao
In March of this year in Chile, the Law 20,571 of Net Metering or Distributed Generation Act that allows a residence that has implemented a clean energy system, it can connect to the local distribution network and inject energy into the system. When energy is injected into the system, the meter operates in a reverse direction, ie at the end of the month, the customer only pays for the net energy consumption, resulting in total consumption minus total resources ( or new energy surplus) generated.

This works for example, connecting the solar panels to an inverter, which in turn, is connected to the distribution network normal (plug). The objective of this inverter is transform energy from the photovoltaic panel current (DC) to alternating current (AC), which is used in national energy distribution system. Furthermore regulates power at 220 volts for proper injection to the public network.
In particular, this law despite having been approved by Congress, is still being modified for more effective implementation. Sustainable Chilean President, Sara Larrain told through various opinion columns that this project had misconceptions: "Chilean legislation should mention Net Billing, not Net Metering".

The Net Billing works the same way as the Net Metering, however the first user punishes the energy injected down the cost entered by the energy distribution networks. Which results in a slow pay to renewable energy investment. Gwendolyn Ledger, communications officer Sustainable Chile also explains: "There is no symmetry between the price at which it sells and the price at which the producer buys home: Net Metering with me power company sells to 100 k / w time and I sell it at the same price. With the Net Billing she sells at 100 but I only 50 or 40. "
The investment for a home run comfortably, should be 1000 watts, which varies between two and three million, depending on the origin of the product.Also you should add $ 700,000 to buy the investors who converted electricity to adhere to the distribution network.

Photovoltaic panels on the north
Combarbalá is by far one of the hottest, driest districts of region IV. Limarí located in the valley, is also one which has a higher index of UV radiation in the area. Here, temperatures range between 33 ° and 35 ° during December, January and February. What for EcoMaipo experts seemed an ideal setting for the implementation of the first photovoltaic neighborhood in Chile.
During the first days of December 2011 opened the "Southern Cross Portal", which included installation SERVIU building housing 114 to a committee of residents of the municipality and its environs. With the support of the German company engaged in the planning and distribution of solar energy systems, HAWI Energietechnik, Intervent SA and the NGO "Engineers Without Borders" was held throughout the implementation of this condo structural solar.
This neighborhood is comprised of 114 households of 42.3 m2, have two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen and living room. From the beginning it was planned to make 100% use of solar energy that abounded in the area. To take full advantage of externalities (arid, high UV radiation) the houses were built to the north and an inclination of 30 °. All this with the aim of reducing heat loss in winter and minimize the consumption of traditional heating.
This 'neighborhood' always aimed to use the physical context in which it is implemented and extract the maximum benefits to generate an efficient energy distribution system, which not only allowed to get hot water through heat panels, but also count on her own power plant that produces 10.6 kW Central to connect directly to the electricity distribution network, Conafe (responsible for power distribution in the region). Ideally, the energy produced would be bought by the network and then injected into the core supply.
The whole process of project planning preceded the implementation of Law 20,571 or Net Metering Act, which regulates residential power generation, in simple terms is the self-generation of electricity (through solar panels, water mills or any other clean energy system) and subsequent injection of central distribution system, law fixed remuneration plus the surpluses occur when generating energy.
The incorporation of the Net Metering as new precedent for promoting clean energy, rather than hinder the project, gives legal tools to support it, however, after its promulgation in May, even PV panels can not be used for what they serve: generate energy . This is because, according to project manager Veronica Vukonovic Combarbalá and advises on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development at the Institute of Environmental Development "will is lacking. They realized that the surplus that can efficiently produce a photovoltaic system eventually promotes residential energy independence. While one will still need the traditional distribution networks to run (Endesa, Colbún, AES Gener), will also be providing energy expenditure and discounting the extent that the system is efficient. "
Today these condos work only half of their performance. Palape Trinidad, one of the settlers benefit from these homes, which has only been able to see the savings with radiant panels, since he lives in the "Southern Cross Portal" spends a third of gas per month, compared to his old home . As for the use of photovoltaic panels, says "are there. People EcoMaipo reviewing, cleaning worries. We say Conafe and the Ministry have locked the network connection. The panels are, but not working. I'm still paying the same accounts of light. "
According Vukonovic, after the implementation of the law that is failing Combarbalá is that what is injected into the system (on leave), paid distribution network and make the discount. Conafe said he prefers not to address the issue, until the end of the process of amending the Act of Net Metering. In this regard, the IDMA adviser also said: "Probably they are waiting for a suitable pricing for them."
In the township the sayings of Palape support, according to former Mayor Rojas Solercio working with the ministry has been difficult in this case because "there has been no communication with the Conafe". However, the development boasts photovoltaic had the area: "It was important to work with partners and investors SEREMI. We set out to convert this area into a pioneer in the implementation of clean energy. "

And it's true. Currently in the IV region can boast over thirty schools supplied with energy from solar panels, added to the two rural clinics that are supplied only by solar energy. In other regions have also undertaken these initiatives, in Antofagasta eg Pedro Galleguillos tunnel - Coastal route linking Tocopilla and Iquique-used over 200 solar lights.
Net metering, what is it now?
 To take effect this law it must be approved the regulations and technical standards. Groups pro clean energy, such as Chile and Sustainable Acesol, for example, are struggling to change misconceptions and solve some major flaws. Veronica Munita, Acesol manager notes that despite the obvious flaws, there is a clear purpose to the law and that is the strategic support and distribution system that provides stability to the electrical system by relieving pressure systems interconnected via the surpluses. Moreover, and this coincides Ledger Sustainable Chile, that this law, if applied correctly and efficiently, you can enable the decentralization of the energy market, freeing users and familiarizing citizens with non-conventional renewable energies.

Finally, the most important think is that the message must be clear. Promoting the use of clean energy is only a step to the policies to be implemented. "The law is only a wink NT to change the country's energy market. In particular it should include grants, low taxes photovoltaic panels, energy education, biomass, wind systems, etc., "Veronica Vukonovic ends.

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Chile and Perú are facing in La Haya

                                                            The disputed area

This week began arguments between Chile and Peru in the International Court in La Haya product of maritime conflict that pits two countries. The first step has been followed closely by media Chilean and Peruvian, while much of the population still does not fully understand the conflict. What seeks ultimately to Peru?

by Williamson Catalán Maldonado

In 1952 Peru, Ecuador and Chile agreed that their maritime boundaries would be subject to their respective parallel border. The treaty is known as Santiago Declaration on the Maritime Zone, and two years afterwards the three parties signed the Convention on Maritime Border Special Zone, which ratified the old covenant. However, the current lawsuit of Peru at the Hague tribunal holds that the maritime boundary with Chile should be equidistant from the border pillar of Tacna, and that means displace the limit several miles south.

When in 2005, Peru enacted “Ley de Línea Base”, the point 266 was established as the end of the land border. Being further south than the Milestone 1, hitherto land border limit, Peru claims that the 16 thousand square meters that make up this new area belongs. Peruvian demand, then, is to set the maritime border with a line equidistant from the border; sovereignty over those 16 thousand square meters to claim as their own; and sea area Chile outside that Peru also recognizes his.

On December 12, Peru will complete the oral arguments, while Chile will do the same on 14. The results, in turn, will be known in July 2013, in a ruling that seeks to end a dispute that has been developing for years.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

The Italian good, nice and cheap

Paolo Villagrán Lara

I always wanted to eat at an Italian restaurant. Several times with my girlfriend throw the phrase "as on Friday or yes go to Piccola Italia", but was always there.
I know a fan of noodles with sauce (yes, because to say that as pasta, not even me) and pizzas. That combination of masses well prepared, with melted cheese, salsa and cheese, I simply irresistible. Anyway, my approach to Italian food, if you can call it that, have never gone beyond a few inventions homemade lasagna with white sauce and pizzas with one other ingredient that escapes the traditional.

Maybe that's why I was turning in my head when I spoke of a "chopped" Italian Ñuñoa, where traditional hearty ate very little money. The culprit was a school friend.
Then I started to read and see, in social networks, many people had already been there. Many spoke of the place as a must-see, where you had to go no matter what.


Vincenzo Guarino came to Chile in 2002 from Naples, southern Italy. They came for love, following in the footsteps of a Chilean she met in Japan, and already in 2004 had a delivery in Las Condes. Realized that people loved him and that was a business that armed with love and from below. "I started from scratch and it was not easy. But I made a good client and grabbed me lots of love and the business grew and I slowly began to expand, "says a Spanish plagued Italian accent.
That small business deliver pizzas at home is now one of the most Italian restaurants named de Santiago. The "Gulf Di Napoli" as Vincenzo named in honor of one of the greatest symbols of his native city, has daily by hundreds of men and women waiting for a classic pizza gnnochis or Golfo di Napoli to expect coming to a hours. It has the usual clientele, and so we saw that if you arrive before 24:30 you're toast if you want table. If you did not book, you better get the idea to look elsewhere or wait a while and take your order (there is that option).
Is that the tremendous combination of abundant and large plates Gulf in relation to price, are hard to ignore. Here you spend no more than 10 thousand dollars if you go with a girl or a lolito, and are staying as king, even much less. For example, the daily menu, where you have to choose from lasagna to several types of pasta, no more than 6 dollars  with a juice or a glass of wine.

The first few miles of new electric buses Transantiago

Since last June, the company Alsace is circulating in the streets five buses of zero gas emissions as part of public transport. The idea is to start installing the concept to reverse the high pollution in the capital.

Paolo Villagrán Lara

Five electric buses from BYD Chinese brand on the streets of Santiago since midyear. The campaign called "James Green Zone", which is part of a strategic plan from the private sector, the Ministry of Environment and the Department of Transportation since last June has run in different parts of the capital electric buses, zero emission gas, K9 model.

The diagnosis was positive, although "it is still little time to make an overall assessment," explains Jaime Contador, public relations Alsace, the bus driver who bought Transantiago models.

Both of them, as the company Chilectra with the two ministries, working for these buses are not as a story within the capital's public transport and become a reality for environmental purposes.

"The Santiago may ride a bus that does not pollute, it emits no noise and can eventually be cheaper operating costs. We want this to be something of a revolution in the market ", says Rodrigo Sanchez, general manager BYD Chile.


  • A Transantiago bus emits about 1400 g / km of CO2
  • A filter Transantiago bus emits about 800 g / km of CO2
  • The new BYD K9 emit no pollutants.

Is it legal to skate on the streets of Chile?

In European and U.S. cities is common to see signs prohibiting the practice of skateboarding. Based on those prohibitions is born some of the slogans of skaters known as "skateboarding is not a crime", among other. Here in Chile the issue is not so different, although the performance of sport does not conform to a crime, depending the case you can take a nasty fine at home.

by Williamson Catalán Maldonado

Santiago has become a city that has received good way skateboarding. The mass arrival has more than 15 years and has never existed hint of illegality in it. Although there are limitations to their practice, has no support of the Constitution. Neighbors upset about noise or overprotective parents have tried to ban the carrying of skateboarding are the main enemies of the skater.

Skateboarding, as it is a sport that, in some way, "taking" the streets tend to be labeled as illegal. However, there exists in the current Chilean Constitution no prohibition in practice, either total or partial.

Lieutenant Araya, belonging to the 1st station in Santiago, says that the officials of that institution can draw attention to those young people who do not make use of security measures relevant to the practice of sport, as are the helmet, kneepads and elbow, but cannot stop them if they do not used. Nor can stop them to go on the table in public places or not established while the skater doesn't do tricks on the table. In cases where the skater does not meet this standard, it could have the officer arrest on charges of "disorder in public". However, this arrest is strictly at the discretion of police, demonstrating a loophole in relation to what is regarded as public disorder.

According to the legal advisor of Municipality of Providencia, the practice of skateboarding will not be considered in public disorder, while a passerby or neighbor does not make a formal complaint about of facts. Of becoming arrested on charges of public disorder, the skater should be go to police headquarters, where the attorney responsible whether to apply a monetary penalty.

The lawyer and professor at the University of Chile, Rodrigo Bustos says that the Constitution considered disorderly acts those, acting as a group, and to undermine social peace, alter the established order, putting at risk the people, causing property damage  and/or invading facilities or buildings. Under this background, Bustos notes that "the great void in the law is that who the police actually applied, allowing multiple interpretations about it."

Denst: “The young hands aerosol”

                                                           Self-portrait of Denst

Between drug trafficking and constant danger, Jeampierre Denmark or "Denst", as is known, knew get ahead. Today is one of the most renowned graffiti artists of Santiago. Besides being in several walls of the capitol, his paintings have become part of Adidas Originals and some restaurants. It was even published a book of his works. "Do not see why the Mona Lisa couldn't also be exposed in the streets," says Denst, convinced that no exist a single language.

by Williamson Catalán Maldonado and Paolo Villagrán Lara
The life of Jeampierre Denmark has not been easy. Grew in Conchalí, a sector with obvious social risk, surrounded by crime and drug trafficking. He knew the painting at age 4 by a guy who did murals. However, it was not until the 16 who decided to take to the streets. Today, with 24 years behind him, “Denst”, known as "the young hands of aerosol", used the graffiti to pay for his studies of art and visual culture at the University ARCIS.

Gradually, Jean Pierre or “Denst”, Armando has been a name in the world of national graffiti and also out of this. Customers of the local "Portal Corner", next to the Plaza de Armas in Santiago, never again felt like returning to the place that serves classic complete, landholders and hams. "The young hands aerosol" left his mark forever; four nights, several cans of spray and inspiration ended in a huge mural that today leaves no one indifferent. The same thing happened in the Giratorio, an exclusive restaurant of Providencia.

 Some time ago you painted on the premises of Tutto Pollo restaurant and in the Giratorio. Do you think that this indicates some acceptance of your work by society?

I think people in general, when it knows what background includes painting in the streets, the more widely accepted. It often happens that when people think in graffiti, links it with stripes or property damage. The work to which I have been called by people who know the work I do, and they respect to do it my way. I think it has been well accepted what I do, at least the people I've worked with has told me he likes the painting once it is completed.

 As you have painted in pubs and restaurants, many graffiti artists perform their works with permission of owners or exhibit their work in art galleries. Do you think that with actions you lose the essence of graffiti? Why?

Sometimes prefer more the adrenaline and challenge. But there are times when it is better to paint more slowly and calmly; authorized or unauthorized is a painted wall. The rest is an added value. And it is also important the sense of painting. I think wherever you are, the graffiti or whatever that is painted, going on what you feel, and that goes beyond that is illegal or not. Do not see why the Mona Lisa couldn't also be exposed in the streets too.

 And in that sense, what benefits brings the graffiti to cities like Valparaiso?

Valparaiso is a place where even foreigners go because it's full of graffitis. That gives a plus, because the street painting is taking its rightful place and begins to be valued as such. Even a German friend told me that one of the things that he like about Valparaíso are precisely the murals. And that's a good thing to Valparaiso or anywhere: that same people outside the world of graffiti it is valued more.

 Do you think there is any way to bring ordinary people with the graffiti? How?

Sure, the same street, the large mural projects, the graffiti workshops, the same reports from magazines, television, or newspapers (the well focused, of course).  Everything serves as an intermediary to the people. Many times, the distance is just ignorance. Grace nor is attack to the people or who says graffiti are pure stripes, but to show them what we do and open him to paint for all, not only for who know about this. Painting is freedom and, therefore, it is always good to share.

 Finally, what would you say to those who wants engage in graffiti? Is it something you would recommend? Why?

The that health care and using masks or something. Later, to strive and not frustrated for learn everything fast, the spray paint is something that takes practice and experience, and that comes only with time. And the other, thoroughly observe everything around them, going with a book everywhere and practice all shapes they see.  See animated films, of science fiction, etc.